I am humbled when Parigi Hanumantha Rao foundation decided to give me an award for my work. I am also quite excited that the award is in memory of Hanumantha Rao, a journalist who had met people like Gandhi, Pattabhi Sitaramayya during his career.
Although the award is given to me, it equally belongs to PARI for letting me work with freedom in an otherwise bleak media landscape of our nation, where profits shape and drive majority of the stories.
Anantapur is a microcosm of our country and we can feel tremors triggered by various government policies here in the lives of people on daily-basis. PARI’s editors have sharpened my eye for spotting such tremors through their hardwork and curiosity. They have also forced me to see my own home district through a different set of eyes, and look for important stories everywhere I go.
good news